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How to share product data with Yuka?

Yuka offers 2 free solutions to share your product's information:

  • Excel import system

1. Download the file below, which explains the instructions. It is essential to read this document before completing the import process.

Instructions - Food products

Instructions - Cosmetics

2. Enter the information into the Excel file below.

​Excel File - Food products

​Excel File - Cosmetics

3. Prepare a folder with all of your product images, named only by the EAN/UPC number (e.g. 1234567890.jpg). The numbers on the images must match the EANs in the Excel file.

4. Send us the completed Excel file and the folder of photos by email to:

Please note: after importing the data, the products are locked for one year. You should send us a new file as soon as any changes are made to a product. After one year, in order for the products to remain locked, please contact us to confirm that the information is still up to date.

  • Salsify Platform

Salsify is a platform for sharing data between brands and distributors. If you already use this service, you can transmit your product information directly to us via the platform. You can consult the user guide by clicking here, or email