Our core value is independence

Yuka’s mission is to help consumers make better choices for their health.
In doing so, it aims to drive manufacturers to offer better products.

100% independent
No ads
Yuka is a completely ad-free app. Brands cannot pay Yuka to advertise their products.
No influence
Scores and recommendations are obtained independently, with absolutely no influence from outside brands or manufacturers.
Data protection
Yuka does not process or sell user data. All user data remains strictly confidential.
Transparent funding
Revenues come from users, never from brands.

Revenue breakdown in 2023

Premium Subscriptions
3 497 826€
Books & Calendars
229 166€
71 000€
Books & Calendars
229 166€
71 000€

Revenue breakdown in 2023

Yuka makes its balance sheet publicly available.
Ways to contribute
You can support Yuka in 3 different ways.
Version premium Version premium
The paid version of the app: users can subscribe to the Member version, which comes with a number of additional features, such as a search bar, offline mode, and custom alerts notifying users of the presence of palm oil, gluten, or lactose. This premium version is extremely important to Yuka, as it helps maintain the project’s independence.
Livre Yuka Livre Yuka
"The Healthy Eating Guide" (available in France only). This 253-page book concentrates, in a simple and entertaining way, all the basics to turn to a healthy diet. You will find the ideal plate for every one of the 4 daily meals, advice on how to better choose your food as well as 36 healthy and delicious recipes. It was co-authored by Julie - Yuka co-founder and Anthony Berthou - nutritionist.
Calendrier des fruits et légumes
A calendar of seasonal fruits and vegetables (available in France only). This adorable calendar can be placed on a counter or hung on your kitchen wall. It's also socially responsible, made in France on paper derived from sustainably managed forests and packaged by individuals from a work reintegration program. In addition to this, we donate 1% of the revenue to environmental organizations.
A committed team
Julie Chapon Benoit Martin
François Martin Marie Toureau Valentin Seguineau
Caroline Coutant Lena Jamin
Behind Yuka, there is a small team of 12 enthusiastic individuals who want to help others and make a difference.
Meet the team