The 10 Keys to Healthy Eating

Nutrition is often regarded as the first form of medicine. Indeed, it plays a fundamental role in our health! This article presents 10 essential keys to adopting simple dietary habits that can optimize your health and well-being.

1. Have a savory breakfast!

Most of us eat cereal with milk or buttered white toast with jam alongside a tall glass of orange juice for breakfast. But that breakfast is far from ideal in terms of nutrition. Indeed, that kind of overly sugary meal encourages insulin secretion, which should be avoided — especially in the morning.

It’s best to opt for a savory breakfast. Eating protein in the morning promotes the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that stimulates the mind and jump-starts your motivation. In addition to making you more motivated and alert, consuming protein at breakfast can also help you feel full longer and reduce snacking later in the morning.

Eggs are the perfect solution because they contain extremely high quality protein and are rich in vitamins and minerals. But there are other protein sources you can try for variety:

Animal protein: one ounce of cheese (preferably goat or sheep milk), a yogurt (goat or sheep milk), sardines or a slice of good ham (from time to time)

Plant-based protein: soy-based vegan pudding packed with protein, chia seeds, nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.)

2. Eat at least 2 to 3 fruits and 2 to 3 servings of vegetables a day

A daily intake of 28 to 32 oz of fruit and vegetables is ideal, i.e. 2 to 3 servings of vegetables (17 oz) and 2 to 3 fruits. For lunch and dinner, choose at least one raw and one cooked fruit or vegetable.

After all, fresh fruits and vegetables are very high in fiber, which has an essential role to optimizing our health. It contributes to satiety and therefore plays an important role in weight management, it helps regulate our blood sugar levels, and it also facilitates digestion and helps balance our gut microbiota.

Fruits and vegetables are also rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Getting the right amount of antioxidants is particularly important for preventing cancer, degenerative diseases and cardiovascular disease.

Vary the fruits and vegetables on your plate and their colors as much as possible to reap all their benefits!

Warning: fruit juice is not the same as fruit! Juice lacks the fiber that regulates the rate at which sugars are assimilated, so its glycemic index is much higher than that of whole fruit.

3. Eat good fat

The quest to eliminate fat has no scientific or biological basis. In fact, “good fats” are responsible for the proper development of eyesight, brain membranes and neural connections. In addition to being good for the brain, they help reduce cardiovascular risks. So good fat is a crucial ally for good health!

But not all fats are created equal! The problem is not that we eat too much fat these days, but that we eat too much bad fat.

Limit your intake of saturated fats and omega-6, which are currently over-consumed. These fats are found in animal products (meat, butter, cheese, etc.), in some vegetable oils (sunflower, coconut, palm, grape seed) and above all in many processed products (cookies, potato chips, etc.).

On the other hand, make sure you get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids! Omega-3 fatty acids occur primarily in fatty fish (tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines, etc.), certain oils (canola, linseed, walnut), seeds (chia, flax, hemp) and in some vegetables in very small quantities (watercress, lamb’s lettuce, cabbage). Caution: do not consume tuna or salmon more than once a week, as they generally contain high levels of various pollutants, including heavy metals (mercury, PCBs, dioxins, etc.).

Choose products rich in omega-9 fatty acids. Omega-9 fatty acids occur in large quantities in olive oil, hazelnut oil, avocado, hazelnuts and almonds. In view of the environmental impact of avocados, we recommend eating them only occasionally.

4. Take the time to chew

Chewing may seem like a trivial step and is often neglected; however, it plays an essential role in our health.

Better nutrient absorption: good chewing transforms food into nutrients that reach our cells more effectively.

Eating less and managing weight: chewing triggers various hormones that send a satiety signal to the brain during the meal.

Improving digestion: insufficient chewing forces the stomach to produce more gastric juice to break down large pieces. This excess acid can irritate the digestive lining and cause acid reflux.

Protecting teeth and gums: chewing helps prevent cavities by stimulating saliva production, which cleans dental plaque and protects enamel from acidity. It also exercises our gums, essential for good dental health.

5. Fill up on antioxidants

Antioxidants are extremely beneficial molecules that are crucial to cell protection. They help guard against various afflictions, such as premature skin aging, cancer, degenerative disorders, cataracts, arthritis and cardiovascular disease.

The good news is that these miracle workers occur all around us in our food. Eating generous amounts of fruits and vegetables is usually enough to cover the body’s needs. Here are some foods with particularly high antioxidant properties:

Berries: blueberries, blackberries, goji berries, acai berries, raspberries, strawberries

Other fruits: apples, plums, pomegranates, oranges, kiwis, grapes, figs

Vegetables: artichokes, cabbages, broccoli, spinach, bell peppers

Allium family: onion, garlic, shallot

Spices: cloves, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon

Herb: thyme, basil, oregano, parsley, chives, dill, mint, rosemary, bay leaf

Hot beverages: tea and coffee

Cacao and chocolate: pure cocoa powder, dark chocolate (at least 70% cacao)

You should eat organic versions of these foods because organically grown foods have 20% to 70% more polyphenols (a type of antioxidant found in many vegetables) than conventionally grown foods.

6. Eat mindfully

In our busy lives, many of us eat breakfast at breakneck speed, or gobble up lunch in front of our computers to make the most of our time. We are completely disconnected from our relationship with food.

However, it is important to devote at least 20 minutes to each meal. Mindfulness is about considering a moment in its own right, and paying attention to what we eat.

Applying mindfulness to our eating habits will have several beneficial impacts. First, it enables us to listen to our hunger and satiety signals and ensure that our intake is adapted to our needs. This will reduce the quantities we consume and our cravings for snacks.

Mindful eating also helps develop a preference for healthier foods: when we eat impulsively and emotionally without listening to our bodies, we no longer feel the pleasure of eating, and we are more susceptible to fatty, sweet and salty foods.

Finally, mindfulness also contributes to mental well-being. It allows you to observe your feelings without judgment, and to listen to yourself. Thinking only of the present moment during a meal also helps to still the mind and lower stress and anxiety.

7. Limit your salt intake

Salt is essential to proper body function, but excessive consumption can lead to the development of certain diseases. Today, we consume more than twice as much salt than we really need!

Excessive salt intake increases the risk of high blood pressure. Hypertension itself can lead to heart disease and even stroke. Salt consumption also increases the risk of cancer and stomach ulcers.

There are simple ways to reduce salt intake:

  • Limit foods high in salt: ready-made meals, potato chips, cold cuts, pizza, sauces, cheese, etc.
  • Opt for alternatives to add flavor to dishes, such as garlic, onion, thyme, chives, basil, lemon, pepper, curry, paprika and all sorts of spices.
  • Taste before salting
  • Do not add salt to cooking water
  • Remove the salt shaker from the table

8. Go vegetarian at dinner

It is recommended to prepare a vegetarian dinner, meaning no meat, fish or eggs. This type of meal will help pave the way for a good night’s sleep.

So, for dinner you should opt for plant-based protein rather than animal protein. Indeed, animal protein encourages the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for alertness and motivation. While it is perfect in the morning to rev you up, at night the body needs to make serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with soothing and sleep regulation.

Serotonin is made from tryptophan, an amino acid found in plant-based protein, such as legumes, soy, brown rice, sunflower seeds and chocolate. The carbohydrates found in legumes and grain products also help optimize serotonin production.

Some foods promote serotonin production, which optimizes sleep quality:

Walnuts and almonds: in addition to tryptophan, they contain magnesium, a lack of which can be linked to sleep disorders.

Carbohydrates (from whole grains and fruits): thanks to insulin secretion, their amino acids will be directed to the brain rather than the muscles. That will make room for tryptophan in the brain, so it is more readily available for serotonin production.

Furthermore, animal proteins and cooked fats are very demanding for the digestive system: they are made up of molecules that can take a long time to digest.

9. Opt for low-temperature cooking

Cooking at high temperatures erodes the nutritional quality of food: it leads to the destruction of certain vitamins and minerals. Some vitamins are very sensitive to heat, and foods can easily lose 50% of their initial vitamin content during cooking. The longer the cooking time and the higher the temperature, the lower the nutritional content of the food.

In addition, browning food during cooking is accompanied by the production of Maillard bodies, compounds which, in excessive quantities, can increase the risk of developing certain cancers.

Opt for low-temperature cooking, i.e. below 210°F. The most useful method is gently steaming your foods.

10. Eat raw foods and avoid processed foods

Raw food is a product that is sold in its original form and has not undergone any
processing: fruit and vegetables, legumes, eggs, fish, etc. Conversely, processed products
are those that have undergone some form of transformation in order to be sold and which do not occur in this form in nature: ready-made meals, fruit juices and soft drinks, cookies, etc.

Ultra-processed foods have problematic health effects: they are often low in nutrients with a high glycemic load. What’s more, they generally contain little fiber and their texture can be too soft to be satiating.

Finally, consuming processed foods throws the gut microbiota out of balance. As a result, the intestinal microbiota has fewer good bacteria, which are essential to proper body function since they fight pathogens (e.g. parasites and bacteria) and perform essential functions to prevent lifestyle diseases.

Here are some tips for avoiding processed foods:

Go with short ingredient lists, meaning no more than 4 or 5 ingredients.

Avoid products whose ingredient list includes items with complicated names (glucose-fructose syrup, hydrolyzed proteins, modified starch, etc.).

Choose products without problematic additives. Of course, you can use Yuka for this!

Eat as many raw, unprocessed products as possible, that you have prepared and cooked yourself.


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  • Nardocci, M.; Leclerc, B.-S.; Louzada, M.-L.; Monteiro, C. A.; Batal, M.; Moubarac, J.-C. Consumption of Ultra-Processed Foods and Obesity in Canada. Can J Public Health 2019, 110 (1), 4–14
  • Chambers, Lucy. (2016). Food texture and the satiety cascade. Nutrition Bulletin. 41. 277-282. 10.1111/nbu.12221.
  • Tremblay, A.; Bellisle, F. Nutrients, Satiety, and Control of Energy Intake. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2015, 40 (10), 971–979.
  • Fardet, A. Minimally Processed Foods Are More Satiating and Less Hyperglycemic than Ultra-Processed Foods: A Preliminary Study with 98 Ready-to-Eat Foods. Food Funct 2016, 7 (5), 2338–2346.
  • Fiolet, T.; Srour, B.; Sellem, L.; Kesse-Guyot, E.; Allès, B.; Méjean, C.; Deschasaux, M.; Fassier, P.; Latino-Martel, P.; Beslay, M.; et al. Consumption of Ultra-Processed Foods and Cancer Risk: Results from NutriNet-Santé Prospective Cohort. BMJ 2018, 360.
  • Zinöcker, M. K.; Lindseth, I. A. The Western Diet–Microbiome-Host Interaction and Its Role in Metabolic Disease. Nutrients 2018, 10 (3).


Anthony Berthou

Registered nutritionist, specialist in systemic food issues, teacher to healthcare professionals.

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  1. Susan Durose

    Loved this article and love the Yuka I have learnt so much. I will get round to joining properly. I am 76 and still like to look out for good stuff a lot of it is expensive

  2. Ali

    Thank you for an excellent app that help us all to choose our food and other cosmetics etc with a care to see what really those ingredients are and their impact in our health and well being. Thanks again. Keep the good works…

  3. John

    Very very good for family and I

  4. Heidi

    Interesting article. I hadn’t realised the difference between eating animal and plant based protein on sleep patterns.

  5. Nadia

    I love these easy to read quick articles. They are informative and simply put which enables me to take away at least one more positive change to add to my eating habits and food shop!

  6. Irina

    Limiting salt can reduce our insulin sensitivity as salt is an important electrolyte and our bodies will increase insulin response because one of the consequences of insulin resistance is water retention therefore electrolytes retention as well. Excess salt is peed out – not a problem.

    1. Siobhan

      Yes, this is what I am confused about.
      I started taking Celtic salt to hydrate my body as it has so many nutrients and our cells then can pull in the water we drink

  7. Kim

    What a great app wouldnt be without it now

  8. Gloria

    This as been my life saver whenever I shop.thank goodness for this app

  9. Denise

    Thank you! Really useful advice and communicated in an easy to understand way 😁

  10. Susan

    Thank you so much for this information. My daughter in law introduced me to Yuka, and now all my family and many friends are using this !! GREAT APP

  11. Derek

    Amazing advice. It makes sense when you delve into the healthy options that are available without taxing the brain.

  12. Harvey

    thank you for this article and your app,there both brilliant

  13. Lizzie

    Helpful and interesting 😊

  14. Julie

    Great suggestions as usual!
    Thank you

  15. Helen

    Some of these comments are not evidence based and harmful.

    – It has been proven that salt does not raise blood pressure. It’s high insuline/glycemic loads (metabolic syndrome) that raise blood pressure. Salt contains vital minerals and it’s correlated with longevity.
    The problem is that most ultra-processed foods are high in salt alongside many other harmful ‘ingredients’. Hence, avoid ultra-processed food, not salt.

    – Animal-based fats are the best fats one can consume.
    They are biologically adapted to what we have consumed for millenia.
    Seed oils, on the other hand, contain large amounts of oxidative matter that causes inflammation.

    – Vegetarianism is not the answer for dinner.
    Lack of animal-based protein and fat will quickly deplete your body of nutrients and encourage inflammation, leading to disease. All the disease we consider normal are not: hay fever, eczema, bloating, constipation/ diarrhea, skin tags, dark skin patches, allopecia… Most created by lack of nutrient-dense food and high ammounts of sugar.
    Also… a sugar dump before going to bed is clearly the worst way to approach sleep.

    – Seeds, soy and other grains contain a vast ammount of anti-nutrients that both reduce the nutrition we can absorb from other foods and create inflammation.

    @Anthony Berthou – I’d recommend having a look at Lily Nichols’ books and blogs.
    She focuses on pregnancy because it’s the optimal time to influence the development of a human. However, her research applies to thinking about optimal nutrition
    Real food for fertility (relevant not just conceiving)

    1. Isa

      Absolute rubbish!
      One does not need to eat animals to be healthy!!

  16. Sue

    Thank you for this article. I found it helpful, informative, clear and – very important – ‘non-preachy’. For me, it went into just the right amount of detail but gave lots of pointers for those who choose to look further into the issue of healthy eating.

  17. Jocelyn

    A great article.
    I love the Yuka app as it helps not only with Food but most of all Make up products. I have learnt that most the top Brand names have the poorest rating !!!

    1. Isa

      I love the Yuka App!

  18. Jocelyn
  19. Ian

    Helpful article – agreed with pretty much all the points made!

  20. Alloo

    I wish Yuka would focus on the additives only, o at least provide two separate scores, one for the additives and one for the nutritional vale, instead of blending everything into one score. We are all different, and in 2024 there are every sort of opinions regarding what is “good” for your organism when it comes to macro nutrients. Vegan diet, vegetarian diet, paleo diet, etc. Yuka should not assume what diet the user is implementing, or it should be less emphasised.
    Displaying that salt is “bad” when I scan a bag of rock salt (even the best one), it’s not far as it puts a pack of expensive sea salt into the same bracket as a 2l bottle of Coke.

    1. Ian David

      Great point – although Yuka is fantastic – this would be a helpful development in the app. Currently you have to do a bit of sifting through yourself and make a decision on the flagged items.

  21. Jane

    Such a great article. Concise and clear. Good to be reminded and to learn new information about the food we eat.

  22. John

    I cannot thank Yuka enough for helping me, my wife and two young children to eat more healthily! Your app is a life-saver! Thank you!

    1. SL

      Interesting info and a great app. I use it every time I shop.

  23. Carole

    Thanks to Yuka, I am eating more heathily but the problem I have is I am losing a lot of weight and I don’t want to be too slim. I am weighing 75kgs now at 5ft.7 ins in height. Although people say that is okay and I look alright, I am not comfortable with all this weight loss. I did want to lose a bit but not that much( from 92kg). I would like to build my structure up to 85 kgs, what do I need to eat to build my body up?

  24. Sharon

    Love it

  25. Juan

    Been honest this the best article I’ve ever read. It has been pretty helpful for my health and wellness. I’ve changed a lot of my olds habits and Im starting to see the results faster that I’d have expected. I really appreciate your hard work and dedication to deliver the good information we need and that some people really know. The app is a completely life-changing; I’ll use it always for everything I buy. Thank you Yuka! and everyone who is involved on this project.

  26. Natalia

    Wonderful job, guys! I truly appreciate your time and involvement.Yuka app is my go-to when it comes to buying food in stores offline (would be great if there is an opportunity to check items when buying online too).
    I took so much from this article. My first step will be a purchase of a steamer so that I could keep veggies and poultry even more nutritient. Thank you a lot and I adore your input in our healthy digestion. The tips are really working!
    Good luck, guys, with your further development and increase of items that can be scanned. Please reach out to me with options about paid subscription, i would like to consider them.Thank you

  27. Núñez

    Estoy operada de bariatría y mi cirujano me recomendó Yuka y hasta ahora me ha dado resultados siempre me guió por sus recomendaciones

  28. Margaret

    Yuka has made more aware of how far products will go to sell their product knowing that they are deceiving the public. I love it

  29. Tamie

    Thanks, I appreciate all the information you shared and found it helpful.

  30. Deborah

    Great info ~ always, THANKS! One of my greatest joys is pulling out & introducing the app to people struggling w/a product at a store & then they say they’re going to get it! Being able to show better, alternative items is a real selling point as well. I never go in to a grocery store without my phone now, just cuz ya never know what or who ya gonna find!

  31. Milena

    Great article, looking forward more. Love the app, I changed out all of my makeup to safer makeup because of Yuka.

  32. Zelina

    Love you Yuka,use apps all the time. Thanks for all info

  33. Jackie Strader

    One of you told me that because postum ingredients have changed in the last 10 or 20 years, that it doesn’t have the problem of being burned now so it’s okay for us. However the cost is ridiculous so I was checking out PERO and your app said it was good, but on the side of the package this is what it says.
    ‘ Warning, consuming this product can expose you to acrylamide, which is known by the state of California to cause cancer. Acrylamide is not added to our product, but results from roasting at high temperatures. The FDA has not advised people to stop drinking the beverage or any other food that containing acrylamide. For more information go to
    So I think that is the same problem Postum had years ago. So it was kind of forbidding if you wanted to stay healthy,but now their recipes changed and it’s owned by someone else I understand. Please let me know if I should drink Pero or if I should try again to find something that’s good or excellent. I do not drink coffee or caffeinated drinks..thank you.

  34. Gina

    Such a simple, helpful article to share with loved ones to help educate! Thank you!

  35. Susie

    Excellent article.
    Love your APP. Going to upgrade for sure!
    Mindful eating! Great tips.

  36. Carmen

    Thank you very much for the great nutrition information.

  37. Crystal

    Thank you so much 😊

  38. Lindsey

    Very great article. Most of us are consuming food alll wrong. It’s helpful understanding the science behind why. Hopeful for some dinner recipes to come. 🙂

  39. Gia

    Thank you so much. I really appreciate all the helpful information about nutrition and I love the app and so do all my friends…. It is a must have in the supermarket.

  40. Donna

    I use it all the time but in some stores like CVS it won’t let me scan It’s like they have some way of stopping it. Share it with my friends and family. It’s great

  41. Anita

    Thank you for this app I find it very helpful

  42. Isaac

    Thank you.
    I love Yuka even if it does slow me down in the grocery isle.

  43. Ev

    LOVE your app!! I use it all the time and tell others about it.

  44. Doris

    Love the app, thanks

  45. Sue

    I love this app and have been using it for a couple of years. I share it with anyone I know, that is interested in eating well. I really like how it gives alternate choices to a product I am looking at, that I find to be unhealthy. I also went through all my lotions, shampoos, face washes etc. I had to throw out most of it, but loved that I was given good options.

  46. Sonja

    Thank you for the informative article.

  47. Tina

    I threw out everything in my pantry, freezer that yuka showed a bad score a few months ago. Chose a Mediterranean diet plan since then and very happy. Much needed app. Also love the alternative products you show that we can buy instead. Thanks Yuka!

  48. Sharon

    Great tips! I will try the suggestions as to what to eat before bed. I need to improve my sleep quality. I wasn’t aware that the foods we eat before bed can make a difference.
    Thank you!

  49. Mario

    Bonjour Julie, ☺️ I understand exactly what you are saying, and for browning my porkchop, it taste better no? So what about the TASTE Julie 😋, I love you too 😊

  50. Paul

    Thank you:)

  51. Debbie

    I don’t focus that much on the nutritional information on foods in the app. I am more concerned with the harmful additives that are allowed in our food and cosmetics in this country. I do my own research on nutrition. I have changed so many products that I used thanks to seeing the harmful additives in them through the Yuka app. I’ve even gotten my 20 year old son to change some of the products he uses! A good source for grass fed meat and wild seafood is Butcher Box.

  52. Lisa

    Good article ! Very informative and food for thought.

  53. Anna

    I love this App. It really helps me to make better choices when I am shopping.

  54. Kathleen

    Excellent article. Thank you

  55. Barbara

    Thank you for this very informative newsletter. It’s nice and important to know that you really care about our health and well being. I’ll keep this article and refer to it often. Love the YUKA app and use it often. Helps a lot

  56. Sparkles

    Love the Yuka app. Simple and easy to use, even for a “non-techie” like me. I tell all my friends about this nutritional tool.

  57. Laurie

    Love your app, thank you for caring and sharing

  58. Caleb

    This app changed me.

  59. Angie

    I like your articles but as I dig deeper into my own research I find some of your info following the (mis)guidance of the FDA such as sodium intake. The majority of people that have high salt intake are receiving it from highly processed foods that is the actual cause of the health problems, not the salt. Research and articles from Robb Wolf at have a lot of science backed info and I would be curious on your thoughts if you choose to dig deeper into it.

    1. Marion

      I agree Angie!

    2. Jeff

      I was also going to comment this, I hesitate to use this app for nutritional advice if it is using incorrect information like this.

  60. Patty

    I am surprised you recommend canola oil and discourage coconut oil . Not what I have learned.

    1. Jeff

      Agreed, it seems like pretty accepted science now that highly processed vegetable oils are detrimental to health.

  61. Nannette

    Excellent suggestions that are not burdensome to work with. Especially after all the Christmas food one has eaten, these tips come in more than handy to get our bodies back on track in the healthiest manner possible. Thanks.

  62. Kerry

    Thank you for a great app and great articles. I’ve learned so much which has changed my shopping cart, my health, therefore, changing my life. Thank you.

  63. Angela

    You guys have changed my life. Thank you Yuka for all you do!!

  64. Diane

    I can’t find any healthy mayonnaise. What do I replace it with?

    1. Robert

      Try grapseed oil Vegenaise

      1. Suzy

        Grape seed oil is not as healthy as olive, coconut or avocado oil

    2. Anne

      With Yuka, I discovered that the mayo I was using had additives that were not good for my thyroid problems. So I make my own mayonnaise every week. There are plenty of recipes on the Internet. If you wish I can send you the one I use. It makes all the difference. Takes about 5 minutes to make.

      1. Peggy

        I would love your recipe. I’ve looked for one but haven’t found one I like.

      2. Judy

        I would love to know how to make healthy Mayonnaise

      3. Riki

        Mayo recipe: small food processor. Add one room temp egg. Process 20 seconds. Add 1 T Dijon, 1 T red wine or white wine vinegar, 1/4 t kosher salt. Process 20 seconds. One cup neutral oil, grapeseed, canola, etc. Add by only dripping SLOWLY the first 1/4 c while processing. This is important for emulsification. Add the rest while processing. Takes about 4 to 5 minutes. Can add 1 t lemon juice.

    3. Sandy

      Make your own, it is pretty easy

    4. Milly

      Sir Kensington makes an Avocado Oil Mayo that is really good. It doesn’t score high on the Yuka app, due to high fat, but it’s avocado oil, so should be healthy fat (?).

  65. Sue

    Nice good sense summary and reminders of healthy choices. Well written and thorough, yet not preachy. Thanks.

  66. Paige

    This app changed my life. I lost 15 pounds in 3 months. As my undergraduate degree is health nutrition, I believed I was super healthy but Yuka brought a new light. Love this app, everyone I know is using it now. Thank you

  67. Helena

    Great app. Always learning from it. Need to change few things in my life style. When I do my grocery , I always use you app. Thank you so much for being part of this family .

  68. Shero

    Love the App. Keep me updated and info. Keep up the amazing work.

  69. Frank

    Thanks for your app, it is something I can be proud I spent money on. Happy New Years 😀

    1. Pam

      Thank you for this app. My grandson actually who is very much into fitness, exercise & foods he eat!! While visiting showed me this app & it’s been So Helpful & has changed my pantry! Haha

  70. Andrea

    Love being part of the YUKA FAMILY AND I LOVE THE APP

  71. Andrea

    Love the app!!! My go to for food and cosmetics. 😊

  72. Denise

    Love this app! Always my go to. This article was very informative and a great way to “kick off” new year resolutions! Thank you!!

  73. Sharon

    Thank you for this information. I do love the Yuka app. As for the information presented in this blog post, I would argue that promoting carbohydrates is not the healthiest advice. Carbohydrates do increase insulin production which turns off fat burning and turns on fat storage if the carbs are not burned off. So eating carbohydrates prior to bedtime is not ideal, in my opinion if one is looking to lose fat. Also, turkey contains tryptophan, so a turkey dinner might be something to consider !

  74. sherry

    Great article. Explains in simple terms why we should choose or dismiss certain foods. Your app is my go to in the grocery store. Love it

  75. Estela

    I like to cook my food .I love plant based products. And also I love chocolate

  76. Robert


  77. Sherrri

    Great article and app!

  78. Jan

    I love this app, not just for food but for skin products, makeup, deodorant, toothpaste, etc. I never shop without it!
    Thanks so much!

  79. Rhonda

    I can’t thank you enough for this app, it has been invaluable for some health issues I have had to cope with and has given me great peace of mind while I navigate this journey ❤️

  80. Rick

    Thank you, very helpful!

  81. Kathryn

    What an awesome encouragement!
    Thank you

  82. Farzaneh

  83. Elisa

    This is a great article, however, I don’t agree with your definitions in the final rule. Raw foods are raw, i.e. not cooked. I think you actually meant whole unprocessed foods. Nobody is encouraged to eat beans raw under any circumstances! Whole foods fit your description. And minimally processed foods (e.g. canned beans and tomatoes, frozen vegetables) can be an important part of a healthy diet and promote gut health. It’s the ultra processed foods we need to watch out for!

    1. Steve

      Beans are high in lectins that can slowly destroy the gut lining. Be careful to eat beans or any lectin foods in moderation!

      1. Melissa

        I saw this out there somewhere: Studies show that boiling legumes, soybeans, and even kidney beans (which have extremely high lectin levels when raw), greatly reduces and often completely eliminates lectin activity.

  84. Penny

    this is a great app I use every time when at the grocery store. A lot of good nutrition information

  85. Pam

    I have turned so many folks on to Yuka and there’s no doubt that they are healthier because of it! Awareness of what manufacturers are putting in our food is a great start to learning what our bodies really need . Thanks for your helpful app

  86. Mehrnaz

    Pretty good article and a good app.

  87. Judy

    Great article and app!

  88. Yvette

    Great article.
    The Yuka app has changed my life. I have never felt better. No more aches or joint pains. Thank you. Thank you.

  89. Bill

    Love your good work. Nutrition is so vitally important.

  90. Kevin

    Awesome article! My family and I can’t thank you enough for the beautiful app., it has definitely changed our eating habits for the better.

  91. Sheila

    Love the app! I would love to see you expand into pet foods and eventually into supplements. Thank you for making your app accessible to the world!

  92. Diana

    Great article & app! I share the app with as many people as possible. Thank you for creating something so helpful!

  93. Tim

    Thank you for your information and zeal in teaching!

  94. Gives me so much information I’m surprised how many items I do put back on the shelf I learned a lot about butter actually there is no good butter on the market that includes plant-based but so mu

    My name is estelle I love you Yuma I shop at ShopRite on Long Island take out my iPhone hit my Yuka app Gives me so much information I’m surprised how many items I do put back on the shelf I learned a lot about butter actually there is no good butter on the market that includes plant-based butter so much good information thank you so much.

  95. James

    Great article, kudos to you all
    Thank you all for it….😊

  96. william

    Thank you

  97. Anne

    I love…and now depend…on your AP.
    I’ve switched so many products, food and cosmetics.
    I don’t buy unless I research with you first.
    I love the comparison option, because I have problems finding your products in my stores.

  98. Rafeal

    I truly enjoy this app. I have made some major changes in the way I choose shop for everything concerning my health. I am so glad I was recommended to this app. I stop eating meat December 15th. I have been seeing some changes in my skin complexion. Thank you guys so much! Happy New Years to you!

  99. Linda

    Thank you so much for all the research you (Yuka) does to help us live healthier. I have 4 children. I’m 81, my children are 57-62 and they have children. 25-33. And it was my granddaughter that got the Whole family eat and (live) healthier. We all have the Yuka app and half of us are members. Thank you so much

  100. DOROTHY

    Love Yuka. Keep up the good works for us. EXCELLENT EXCELLENT INFOS AND LIFE SAVING SUGGESTIONS.

  101. Sandy

    These are good reminders as I start the new year 🙂

  102. Linda

    Thank you
    Thank you
    Thank you
    Yuka is the very best

  103. Yvonne

    This app truly changed my life. Thanks a million.

  104. Jan

    I really like this app! Going to work harder at using it to start off the new year with healthier food choices!! Thank you for your hard work!

  105. Amanda

    The app is excellent, and I like this food advice too!

  106. Gaston

    Thank you for the info on best eating , would you suggest a good carnivore diet.

  107. Theresa

    Finally an honest place that shows why a food isn’t the greatest choice. I scan many products found in the frozen food and middle of the store and found so many with a ridiculous list of additives that make me shocked they are even stocked on shelves for sale. Thank you for this great service. I tell anyone who will listen about this app.

  108. Monica

    It’s so helpful and have great advice. I love the app.

  109. Pat

    Yuka is exceptional. thank you for all your advice.

  110. Claire

    Thank you for a very informative and helpful article.
    We love your app and share it with most everyone we know! Well done !!

  111. Claire

    Thank you for a very informative and helpful article.
    We love your app and spread the news to everyone we know! Well done !!

  112. Melissa C.

    Very simple to follow, but yet very informative!
    Thank you!

  113. Loree

    Thank you. Very informative

  114. Murncie

    I Love Yuka!!
    This email was informative since I have three different diets.This email has helped me with my health issues. Thank you!!
    Please Do Not Share or sell my personal information.

  115. Julie

    Thank you so much for these articles and keep them coming in 2024 please! I share your articles with my family. They always enjoy them and comment on them. Then we have a discussion about it while we decide together which groceries to buy for the week!

  116. David

    I love your app and articles! Always great and very informative! Thank you!

  117. Shanna

    Probably the most realistic and helpful healthy eating article I’ve ever read. Very nicely written! Thank you!

  118. Wendy

    I thoroughly enjoy these emails! They are so informative. I read them outloud to my husband hoping he will try a little harder to eat right and be mindful of his eating. Thank you so much for coming into my life! What you are doing is wonderful!

  119. Lorie

    Thank you so much Julia and team for this great article and the Yuka app! Truly a blessing! Best wishes in 2024!

  120. Katie

    Love this app! It has been a huge help at the store thank you

  121. Willie

    Thank you for this app, very much appreciated. Keep up the excellent work you do to help people.

  122. Christine

    Great article! Thank you!

  123. Marie

    Excellent app, excellent article!
    One note to add almonds to avocados in the healthy foods to limit due to
    adverse environmental effect.

  124. Gina

    I love Yuka. I have turned so many people onto this app. Everyone that I know is trying it is eating healthier and happier.

  125. Kaleb

    Loved reading this article👍❤️

  126. Ruth

    My daughter works for a cardiologist who told her about this app, and she told me and I got to say I’m obsessed.. It takes me a little longer to get through the store, but I’m learning so much about what is in the food we are eating..Thank you again for this wonderful app!

  127. Norah

    I am obsessed with Yuka ❤️ I am so happy that my mother in law informed me about it!! I pull out my phone at the grocery stores and aim to never ever be mislead again!!! What a blessing Yuka has been to our families and health ❤️❤️

  128. Lois

    Great article! Thank you.

  129. Shari

    Great article!! Much useful info. Thank you!!

  130. Mark

    Great article and advice! I follow most of these suggestions already as I have been a vegetarian since 1986 and have not had any type of meat since 1981. Thanks again and Happy New Year!

  131. Justin

    Love yuka but it dies not work in Costco as it is blocked….

    1. Phil

      Works fine at the Costco’s in Boston Heights and Strongsville, OH.

      1. Angie

        Yes, it works here in Oklahoma as well.

  132. Mara

    I Love ❤️ Yuka!!!! I use your app every time I shop. I also share it with complete strangers at the grocery stores.

  133. Jacque penn

    Love all the advice in this article! Sometimes we tend to forget to balance out the daily diets, so being mindful of what you put in your mouth is the key.
    We love your app and we scanned everything before. Thank you for your helpful tools.

  134. Lee

    Ten keys to healthier eating article has great insights for a healthier 2024 for all of us + your app is the best! Thanks!

  135. Peggy

    Thank you for this easy to use and informative app. I use it most frequently when I’m purchasing items for my baby great grandson. I was surprised at the amount of bad stuff in most baby food items. I only wish I’d had access to something like this when my kid and grandkids were coming up. Game changer for sure.

  136. Rita

    I love your app, I share it with others! Thank you!

  137. Claire

    Happy New Year this app and these articles help so many people stay on track to live a healthy lifestyle! Thank you for all the time and effort your team puts in to make this work I love it!

  138. Susan

    I love this app and use it quite a bit so many helpful information

  139. Julie

    Very helpful tips. What are your thoughts on frozen vegetables? Is it true they have more nutritional value than fresh since they have been grown and transported, thus no longer as fresh as their frozen counterparts?

  140. Edward

    Thank you for all you do.

  141. Tony

    Good app helps making my life healthier thank you

  142. B J

    I have turned so many people on to your app. I’m a food product demonstrator @ Costco. I scan everything I demo for its healthiness. Amazingly, a large portion of the things I’ve demo’d have been “Good” or better.
    Thank you for all you folks do to keep us healthy. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 😊 🎉🎊

  143. michael

    Great app and Infomation helps making my life healthier and easy

  144. Marco

    Thank you for sharing this great information.
    Love the app.

  145. Jayme

    Your app has helped me eat healthier. I always have it on hand when I am shopping. Thanks!!

  146. Emily

    Love this information. I know some of it however it is beneficial to be reminded of nutrition facts as these!!

    Thank you for sharing,

  147. Lee
    1. Lee

      Thanks for sending me all those info. I do eat wild cought salmon once a week. I asko take nordic natural omega 3 everyday.

  148. Lisa

    I love this app!
    Thank you so much for the added help.

  149. Meg

    Great info to help reinforce my commitment to eat healthy!
    Thank you

  150. Tammy

    Thank-you for the info! I use Yuka quite often at grocery store. Love it! Exceptionally helpful!

  151. Stacy

    Happy New Year! Thank you for sharing this information!

  152. Rebecca

    Thank you for this article! Clear, concise & very informative!!

  153. Evelyn

    We all deserve Yuka’s Premium subscription And It’s our responsibility to watch what we consume and get healthy. It’s a win win, better food choices equals Amazing health! 😁

  154. Clemence

    What is your opinion on Canola Oil ? You mentioned it as good fat but I’ve always heard to avoid it.

  155. Brenda

    Excellent guide in a “ nutshell”!👍

  156. Lili

    very helpful advices

  157. Yvette

    Love this app, I’m mindful of the food I purchase.

  158. Lori

    Great article. Thank you for helping us help our health!

  159. Olufunke

    Yuka had been guiding my food intake since I downloaded the App, and use it to scan my food choices.
    Big loads of thanks to Yuka.

  160. Elissa

    Absolutely love this app! Not only do we use it at home but I also use it when purchasing groceries for our school’s breakfast program. Thank you!

  161. Gisele

    Thank you, very good information, I use the app it’s very useful.

  162. John

    I was wondering about your comment to avoid too much tuna and salmon.
    My understanding is tuna is to predatory fish and should not be eaten too much but I in my research I found eating salmon on a regular basis each day is fine. As it does not contain Mercury or heavy metals.
    Could you explain why you mentioned eating salmon each day is not good for you?

    1. Carol

      I’m with you John! I was under the impression Salmon was the best food out on the market.
      Clarify please?

    2. Kim

      Hi, John.. I’m totally just throwing possibilities out here LOL..
      Could they tell you to avoid eating too much salmon because of it being really fatty?
      Or possibly because they may be caught from polluted waters?
      Honest questions

  163. Shama

    Great helpful article. Thank you.

  164. Joni

    Good article Thank you

  165. Kathy

    Great article which reinforces eating mindfully.

  166. Dorrett

    Thank you for the App ! Me and my daughter have been using it over a year now
    We also share the info with friend and family.

  167. Jennifer

    Wonderful advice! Now I know why I crave a savory breakfast. One remark I’d like to make about raw foods is that cooking methods need to change with the seasons. Raw foods, for example, are not especially beneficial or recommended in the wintertime. Overall, wise recommendations!

  168. Dawn

    Your information is life changing!
    Much improvement in skin and body health.
    Thank you!

  169. Louisa

    Excellent on Health Information …Well written; Well explained making it easy to Absorb and Keep in mind.
    One point I would like to mention is : Saturated fats found in meat, butter, and cheese are good (in moderation).
    I do not believe in seed oils.
    Also we must be very careful when we buy and look carefully at what is found in alot of grocery products …GMO….it is a killer !

    Thank – you !

  170. David

    Appreciate the good information

  171. Carolyn

    I love the yuca app!! Have been using for over a year and have been informed by it on how to modify my diet for healthier eating! Love the premium version also!!

  172. Kassandra

    Thank you. A very helpful reminder.

  173. Gary

    I’ve been using the Yuka app this past year by recommendation of my brother, and I love it! I was quite suprised on how many foods that I thought were good for me, actually were not. The app really is helping me make the right choices when grocery shopping. I also love the email articles you send, such as this one “The 10 Keys to Eating Healthy”. Please keep the emails coming. Out of all the junk emails I receive, it is nice to find beneficial emails like this in my inbox. Thank you, Julie (and Team)!

  174. Susan

    Very interesting and helpful

  175. Linda

    Thank you for making this app and sending this information! I have learned so much and have cut out so many foods I used to think were good. Now all I do is clean eating! I am so thankful for you!

  176. Leanne

    Thank you for the great advice!!! Mindful eating is a good practice so hopefully it will become a habit everyday.

  177. Morgan

    This read was fantastic! Thank you 🙏🏼

  178. Rob

    These eating tips are most insightful, and very well explained. Thank you!

  179. Gina

    I live all you do. I will not buy anything these days without a scan. Hoping you folks are OK in New York. Seems so scary up there with the unrest. I pray for much success for all of you. There is no way you can fail when helping others as you do.

  180. Carol

    We have enjoyed the YUKA ap for months and many have been introduced and joined us in the application of better knowledge in the selection of foods. However, I am always wishing there was a way to determine the CARB LOAD in foods and that is not included in the ap information from the bar code. I know you can read the label and determine this information but it’s as important to me as the FAT, SALT, PROTEIN, etc.

  181. Jeffrey

    Eye opening! Thanks

  182. Nicole

    Thank you for the information.

    1. Patrick l do not do apps

      Ok Warren thats a lot of reading. I fid read bout 80% of it. Frankly speaking l already aware of alot of it. I am a 43 yr diabetic. I was already aware of bout 75% of most of it. But it was good info. Thanks to

  183. Rhonda

    Great article!! Thank you! 😊 very informative & heard that before! We do chew our food more and slower! And try to eat organic but costly!

  184. Todd

    Thank you for the article! Very good and helpful information.

  185. Laudi

    Good advice except for # 3, 6, and 8. Saturated fats are the good, healthy fats and mostly, we need more of them. That’s where all the fat soluble vitamins are! (And all the toxins, if not grass fed, grass finished pasture meat without hormones’ antibiotics, etc.) Mono-unsaturated fats are fine, too. But seed oils, the poly-unsaturated fats are to be avoided. Don’t believe me? Watch a wonderful video by Christopher Knobbe, Diseases of Civilization: Are Seed Oil Excesses the Unifying Mechanism.

  186. Dianne

    Thanks for the article The 10 Keys to Healthy Eating. It’s good to be reminded. We do pretty good but the key to chew food more and cooking food at lower temperatures were great reminders for us.

  187. Cristina

    I love the app, amazing tool.
    Thank you Yuka team❤️

  188. Babette

    Great article! I’ll be 60 years old in a week. I’ve lived with Type I diabetes since I was 8 years old. As I age, it seems as if an imposter invades my nutritional good sense at Thanksgiving. A clear and concise article must then be posted on January 1 to call out the imposter and force my hand to throw out my shortbread cookies!

    Thank you; keep fighting the good fight!

  189. Adelle

    This is very timely on the beginning of a new year when peoples minds are set for change. Thanks for this email.

  190. Janna

    It has made shopping so much easier, I love this app! Thank you for all the research you do to make our world a better place to live in.❤️🙏🙏

    1. Myrna

      I agree

  191. Linda Grantham

    Thank you for supplying this list so that my family and I can start the new year off right.
    Happy New Year!

  192. Patricia

    I love yuka:)

  193. Debbie

    I think I already am a member. Can you verify? I love the app. It has changed so many of the product choices I make. Especially things like lotions and cosmetics.

    1. Jon

      Try entering the name of an item into the search box rather than scanning it. If the search works it should indicate that you are a member…

  194. Nancy

    Love your app. Can’t grocery shop without it.

  195. Rosie

    Thank you for the advice …. I already do 95% of your article…. However saying that I do occasionally fall of the wagon “once in a blue moon” , & feel unwell after eating “bad food” … ie yesterday I had some pizza, the first time in a year, & boy did I feel unwell & vowed “never again” ….

    1. Liv

      I understand the frustration that accompanies feeling unwell after indulging in certain foods. But I would caution you to not say
      “never again” towards consuming pizza. We are fickle creatures, and entirely swearing off a food, particularly one that we enjoy, often leads us to desire and seek out that food more.

      Rather, I would encourage you to incorporate more nutrient-dense versions of pizza instead of swearing it off altogether. Make your own sourdough pizza base and load it up with loads of fresh ingredients — tomatoes, basil, arugula, and high-quality olive oil. Not only does homemade pizza taste better, it is far better for you too.

  196. Mika F

    I really enjoyed this website it really helped me with my health

  197. Arthur

    Priceless tool if people will use it!

  198. Dan

    One of the best app available and I recommend to everyone

  199. Robert

    Great article!
    I am so happy to see you guys come around.
    Eating the correct nutrition is the key!
    UPF’s are killing us!
    Keep it up!!

  200. Donna

    Love the fact that I can walk into a grocery store and make good choices thanks to you

    1. Kathy

      The problem is that most items in grocery stores are bioengeneered and/or GMO and full of chemicals. Find a local farm to purchase your fruits, veggies, milk and meat. Thats what we do. We rarely purchase anything from a grocery store.

      1. Liv

        I appreciate the sentiment, Kathy, but unfortunately purchasing the vast majority of one’s groceries directly from a farm is logistically and financially impossible for many individuals. In many areas, it is difficult to source any significant quantity of local produce outside of summer, and many individuals live too far away from a grass-fed ranch. It is far more feasible to encourage people to understand what is in their food, as Yuka does, and to make better choices as a result of this knowledge.

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