
Yuka's tips for a healthier diet

TOP 10 Vegetable Soups and Broths

Nothing beats a comforting bowl of soup in winter when the cold sets in ❄️ However, some options are packed with additives and have a high sodium...
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The 10 Keys to Healthy Eating

Nutrition is often regarded as the first form of medicine. Indeed, it plays a fundamental role in our health! This article presents 10 essential keys to...
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TOP 15 Body Washes

Choosing a shower gel that doesn’t contain ingredients that are problematic for your health or the planet can prove to be tough. Indeed, many shower...
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Is Eating Organic Better for your Health?

Organic products have been growing in popularity over the last 20 years with consumers concerned about their health and the planet. The number of USDA-certified...
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TOP 15 Mueslis & Granolas

Many of us start the day with a nice bowl of cereal! Muesli and granola can be a solid nutritional choice because they are made of grains, nuts, seeds,...
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Soy: friend or foe?

At a time when scaling back our beef consumption is both an environmental and health imperative, soybean consumption is booming. Soybeans are legumes,...
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True or false: Gluten Edition

These days, gluten is a hot topic like never before. At a time when gluten-free products are becoming more and more trendy, we decided to separate the...
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