Looking for a healthy, hearty meal to fuel your day? This easy, one-pot dish is a delicious mix of lean protein, fiber-rich veggies, and bold spices. Perfect...
This cauliflower and white bean chili is a hearty, plant-based twist on classic chili that’s packed with flavor and nutrient-dense ingredients. This...
This Smoked Salmon Toast with Hummus & Butternut Squash is a unique and flavorful way to pack your breakfast with protein and nutrients. The combination...
This protein-forward breakfast platter is a great way to fuel your day. With savory salmon rich in omega-3s and scrambled eggs packed with nutrients, this...
Whether you’re looking for the perfect dinner dessert or a sweet afternoon snack, try our gluten-free and vegan apple crisp! For the filling: 6 medium...
Get ready to elevate your weeknight dinners with this vibrant shrimp and okra chili. A nourishing dish inspired by comforting Southern flavors, offering...
This eggplant and chickpea chili is a vibrant twist on traditional chili. Fire-roasted tomatoes and warm spices create a flavorful base, while a dollop...
This earthy hash is a delicious, protein-packed breakfast that’s as nourishing as it is simple to make. Ground turkey provides a lean source of protein,...
This Tomato & Feta Crustless Quiche offers a delightful blend of fresh, simple ingredients that come together for a flavorful and healthy, protein...
This high in protein and vegan-friendly breakfast bowl is perfect for a quick and flavorful start to your day. Tofu, seasoned with smokey spices like cumin...
This flavorful dish is a twist on classic scrambled eggs, blending bold spices and flavors to create a satisfying and unique breakfast. The combination...
This spruced up Egg Salad is a perfect blend of creamy and crunchy to makes for a satisfying and quick breakfast. Combining diced hard-boiled eggs with...