These Cranberry Orange Pancakes bring a refreshing twist to a breakfast classic with their zesty citrus flavor and dried cranberries. Made with protein-packed...
This avocado toast recipe brings together a balance of nutritious ingredients with a healthy dose of protein, fiber and fat to fuel your day. With minimal...
This Chia Parfait is a sweet and nutritious way to enjoy a high-protein breakfast. The creamy chia pudding, made with almond milk and fragrant spices including...
Get ready to dive into a dish that’s as vibrant as it is nutritious! Our Golden Cauliflower “Fried Rice” is a feast for your taste buds. As a quick...
What if we told you there’s more than one way to make trail mix? 🌟 Here’s our Roasted Chickpea Trail Mix, a crunchy, savory, and slightly spicy...
Looking for a simple and scrumptious snack? 🥜 These Peanut Butter Bites are not just delicious, but they’re like tiny energy bombs that’ll...
Wake up to a bowl of happiness with our Quinoa Banana Porridge! 🍌 This delightful blend is your morning’s dream team, offering a powerhouse of...
We love grilled summer vegetables, especially peppers and zucchini! Served as a salad with wheat and creamy burrata, we can’t wait to sit down at the...
Rich in fiber and vitamin C, peaches are excellent eaten or cooked! Once you taste this rustic tart, you’ll never look at this summer fruit the same...
Store-bought granola is often full of additives and refined sugar. Check out our healthy yet indulgent recipe 🍫 with easy to find ingredients! The hardest...
Looking to cool off? 🌱 Here’s our home-made mint lemonade recipe! Healthy, fresh and additives-free, it’ll come in handy to fight off the heat!...
If you have 20 minutes to spare, a couple of bananas 🍌 and some chocolate 🍫 laying around, we recommend trying out these pancakes, you won’t...