Rich in fiber and vitamin C, peaches are excellent eaten or cooked! Once you taste this rustic tart, you’ll never look at this summer fruit the same...
Many of us start the day with a nice bowl of cereal! Muesli and granola can be a solid nutritional choice because they are made of grains, nuts, seeds,...
Store-bought granola is often full of additives and refined sugar. Check out our healthy yet indulgent recipe 🍫 with easy to find ingredients! The hardest...
Looking to cool off? 🌱 Here’s our home-made mint lemonade recipe! Healthy, fresh and additives-free, it’ll come in handy to fight off the heat!...
If you have 20 minutes to spare, a couple of bananas 🍌 and some chocolate 🍫 laying around, we recommend trying out these pancakes, you won’t...
Add a little sunshine ☀️ to your plate and get a great boost of vitamins with this spinach-and-orange-filled dish! Save time by preparing all the ingredients...
Corn tortillas are easy to make and extremely versatile! We’ve prepared a super simple and fresh recipe for you with cucumbers 🥒, lettuce 🥬 and...
At a time when scaling back our beef consumption is both an environmental and health imperative, soybean consumption is booming. Soybeans are legumes,...
How could anyone resist this delicious sablé? It has parmesan, thym, apples and a delicious shallot confit! It is bound to be the star at your Christmas...