
Yuka's tips for a healthier diet

Home-made Tortillas 

Corn tortillas are easy to make and extremely versatile! We’ve prepared a super simple and fresh recipe for you with cucumbers 🥒, lettuce 🥬 and...
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Soy: friend or foe?

At a time when scaling back our beef consumption is both an environmental and health imperative, soybean consumption is booming. Soybeans are legumes,...
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Apple and Raisin Muffins

It’s almost snack time, and you’re a little hungry? These fiber-rich apple muffins 🍎 are easy to make and will hold you over until dinner. These...
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Chocolate banana granola bars

Manufactured granola bars are often loaded with refined sugars and additives. This recipe has only a handful of ingredients that you should already have...
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True or false: Gluten Edition

These days, gluten is a hot topic like never before. At a time when gluten-free products are becoming more and more trendy, we decided to separate the...
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