Add a little sunshine ☀️ to your plate and get a great boost of vitamins with this spinach-and-orange-filled dish! Save time by preparing all the ingredients...
Corn tortillas are easy to make and extremely versatile! We’ve prepared a super simple and fresh recipe for you with cucumbers 🥒, lettuce 🥬 and...
It’s almost snack time, and you’re a little hungry? These fiber-rich apple muffins 🍎 are easy to make and will hold you over until dinner. These...
Manufactured granola bars are often loaded with refined sugars and additives. This recipe has only a handful of ingredients that you should already have...
Did you know that you can make home-made rice pudding from only 5 simple ingredients? 🍮 Here comes our super tasty and very simple recipe, a healthy...
Do you like to mix sweet and sour? Then try our easy-to-make zesty lemon bars made out of only 5 raw ingredients! For the custard, you can either use lemon...
These no-bake Creamy Pistachio Bars are a delicious healthy dessert. The creamy pistachio filling with the crunchy date oat crust is a match made in heaven!...
Are you looking for a tasty and healthy afternoon snack? Let yourself tempt by our gluten-free Turtle Brownies with an easy-to-make date caramel topping...
Craving something deliciously healthy that doesn’t compromise on flavor or time? This Easy Garlicky Mushroom & Green Bean Stir Fry offers a mouthwatering...
How could anyone resist this delicious sablé? It has parmesan, thym, apples and a delicious shallot confit! It is bound to be the star at your Christmas...
Are you looking for a quick and delicious hors d’oeuvre recipe for your holiday party? 🎄 We’ve got you covered with this delicious butternut, feta...
Delight your senses with this colorful Tofu and Cabbage Stir Fry, a quick and easy dish that’s bursting with color and flavor. Perfect for busy evenings,...